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Ligonier Valley Rail Road Newspaper Articles

We have compiled over 1,400 newspaper articles that mention the Ligonier Valley Railroad, or related subjects. The articles were originally published starting in 1873 and our collection runs through 1995. Enjoy!

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Latrobe Advance
Wednesday, January 23, 1884
Needed Changes
About To Be Made In The Penna. Railroad Passenger Station At Latrobe

Monday last the boss carpenter of this section of the Pennsylvania Railroad was in Latrobe inspecting the ticket office and waiting room at the depot, with the intention of making some much needed improvements. As is well known, at present one large apartment is used as the ladies waiting room, gentlemens waiting room and baggage room. This arrangement has been very inconvenient, and in fact many times it is unpleasant and unsafe for ladies to stay in the station on account of the place being crowed by rough and in many instances half drunken men.

The company now proposes taking the present parlor of the Clifford House, which is located in the rear of the ticket office, and converting it into a ladies waiting room. The gentlemen's waiting room will be where it is at present, while the ticket office will have much the same location as now only it will be larger and will have a ticket window opening into each room.

They also intend putting the gas in, which will not only make it more convenient and better for the agent and his assistants, but will add much to the comfort of the waiting passengers. The entire west end of the building on the lower floor will be remodeled and fitted up.

The old plastering will be torn off and replaced with new, wainscoting will be put around the walls and everything in connection with the rooms and office will be handsomely painted. The baggage and check room will be located at the west end of the present building where a building for that purpose alone will be erected.

These changes we understand, will be commenced at one, or as soon as the company carpenters get through fixing a room upstairs for a parlor for Mr. Clifford. Everybody who at any time has been compelled to wait on a train at the station at this place will hail the news of the above changes with delight.

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