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Ligonier Valley Rail Road Newspaper Articles

We have compiled over 1,400 newspaper articles that mention the Ligonier Valley Railroad, or related subjects. The articles were originally published starting in 1873 and our collection runs through 1995. Enjoy!

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Indiana Weekly Messenger
Wednesday, June 17, 1885

On Saturday last, in response to an invitation from Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent, P.R.R. and Geo. Senft, Superintendent of the Ligonier Valley railroad, we joined an excursion party of editors and reporters from Pittsburgh, bound for a day's recreation at Idlewild, on the Ligonier R. R. The Pittsburghers came in a special car to Latrobe where we joined them. The car was switched on the Ligonier tracks and a special engine was soon taking us up the valley in good style. In a brief period we were at Idlewild, a most charming resort, and here all hands disembarked and proceeded to have a good time. The park consists of about 1540 acres of beautiful forest. Rustic seats, swings, base ball grounds, croquet grounds, etc., abound, and there is everything to make one forget the busy cares of life. As a place for picnics it has no superior in this part of the State. The beautiful Loyalhanna creek passes through the grounds and is spanned by a substantial iron foot-way. In this beautiful retreat the party spent several hours, until Superintendent Senft called us to the train and soon we were on our way to the historic town of Ligonier. We were met at the depot by carriages and were soon conveyed to the hotel of Mr. Kleindeinst, where a most sumptuous dinner was spread to which all parties did ample justice. After dinner carriages conveyed the party some four or five miles up the mountains and a most enjoyable trip it was. The scenery along the Ligonier railroad is exquisitely fine and those of our people who have never passed over the road have missed a rare treat. To Thomas E. Watt, of the P.R.R., George Senft, Superintendent of the Ligonier R. R., and fine host of the Ligonier Hotel the excursionist, one and all, are under obligations for kindnesses shown. When we get rich we propose to buy Idlewild and have the Pittsburgh boys visit us twice a year and stay six months each time.

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