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Ligonier, PA 15658


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Ligonier Valley Rail Road Newspaper Articles

We have compiled over 1,400 newspaper articles that mention the Ligonier Valley Railroad, or related subjects. The articles were originally published starting in 1873 and our collection runs through 1995. Enjoy!

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Latrobe Advance
Wednesday, February 1, 1882
Ligonier Valley Railroad

On Monday, January 9th, 1882, the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ligonier Valley
Railroad Company, was held at the Company's office at Ligonier. An election of directors
resulted in the re-election of the old board and T. A. Mellon General Manager. A statement of
year's business was submitted and approved which is as follows.

Receipts from all sources,       $22,575.68
Operating expenses,              10,474.04
Net earnings, 				  $12,101.64
Deduct interest on mortgage debt,	    3,302.24
Surplus, 				   $8,799.40
Above surplus has been invested as follows:
In rolling stock and betterments, 	   $2,746.73
In reduction of the mortgage indebtedness,  6,052.67
The exhibit is a very favorable one and the directors were well pleased.  
Although there was a slight falling off in full car freight yet the increase in Passenger 
traffic more than counterbalanced the loss.  The Company was enabled to increase the 
rolling stock and to make a reduction on the mortgage indebtedness greater than in any previous 
year since the road has been in operation.

Since the commencement of operation the road has as yet its first accident to report. The Directors passed a vote of thanks to the employees for their zeal and efficiency in conducting the Companys business and the care exercised generally.

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